Ruth’s Shawl will never solicit donations from you through email or social media. If you ever receive an email from someone claiming to be a representative of Ruth’s Shawl in order to solicit funds, please inform us immediately.
You can be a part of this ministry by giving financially. Donations may be made by check and by online donation. Ruth’s Shawl is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible.
BEst Ways to donate
To donate, please send a check to:
Ruth’s Shawl
1172 S. Main Street, Box #354
Salinas, CA 93901
Please provide a note if you would like to designate the funds (ex. Bibles, Pavilion, etc.). Otherwise it will go to the general fund.
Consider Using Your Banks Online Bill Pay Services for Regular donations. For example, Chase allows you to send a check every month as a regular “bill” payment. Many other banks allow you to do the same. This is a free and easy way to set up a regular donation to Ruth’s Shawl without a processing fee for us or for you.
Other ways to donate
You can also use Paypal or a Credit/Debit Card or have your bank or credit card set up an automatic bill payment to Ruth’s Shawl.
Please note that Paypal charges 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction. Therefore, we recommend mailing larger donations in the form of a check rather than use PayPal.
To to make a one-time donation, please click Donate below. Please provide a note at checkout if you would like to designate the funds. Otherwise it will go to the general fund.
Or, you may also setup a recurring donation by filling out the following form and clicking Subscribe:
Please note that you do not have to be a Paypal member to use Paypal. If you do set up a recurring donation, becoming a Paypal member, which is free, will make it easier to modify your recurring donation and payment information in the future.