Whether you are an individual or a team interested in serving with our team in Malawi you must go through the application process.  To get things started, please fill out the online application.  For teams, please have just the leader fill out the application and we will follow-up with you as soon as possible.

Application Form

  • Completing and submitting the form is not a commitment by us. Just an opportunity for us to make sure we have the information we need for legality, immigration and documentation of who you are. Applicants will also need a letter of recommendation from either their Pastor or from a Para-church organization. Those under 21 years of age will need a letter from their parents for medical care. Since applicants will be interfacing with translators, Malawians directly, we are very firm about these recommendations. The person who comes to Malawi to work on our team needs to be someone who not only represents Christ, but also represents Ruth’s Shawl and all the ministries with which we partner. Each individual will need to provide information about how are they regarded in their church and why they want to come to the mission field. Once we receive your application, we will follow-up with more information about costs and necessary preparations.
